Here at Hunts Hill Physio we aim to empower you, as owners, to become part of the rehabilitation program for your pet. We focus on giving you the tools to help your pet, enabling you to be proactive in your animals recovery. Starting from the very first session, where you will come in with your dog, learn about their problem and how to help enhance their recovery.
For animal's with ongoing issues, such as osteoarthritis, you will have the option to be placed on our management scheme, whereby ongoing maintenance therapy can continue to be delivered. Find out more about managing dogs with osteoarthritis here.

Prior to meeting you, I will read through your dogs history so that I have a good understanding of what has been going on, I may have also spoken to your vet or your dogs surgeon. To further understand, I may ask you for some more in depth questions. This is part of my subjective assessment and is an important part of the appointment. It gives me a good idea of where your dog is at in his rehab journey and what your expectations and goals are for your dog. There is no right or wrong answer here, every dog and every owner is different, which is why it is so important for me to get some history from you.
We will then take a look at how your dog is moving. If they are able to, I may ask you to walk your dog away from me, then back towards me, first slowly at a walking pace, then a little more briskly. Here I am looking for any asymmetries in the movement, if they are limping, and if there appears to be any obvious areas of weakness or compensation.

We will then go into the therapy room together. In order to allow your dog a fear free experience he/she will be offered a likimat or some yummy treats (provided), if your dog has any allergies or is on strict diet, please let me know before hand.
Your dogs movement in the affected limb(s) will be assessed, along with muscle tone and any areas of pain. As well as their overall strength and mobility.
Based on this assessment I will formulate and undertake a bespoke treatment strategy. This may include soft tissue mobilisation, massage, electrotherapy such as LASER or BioMag as well as joint mobilisations where appropriate.
You can find out more on the treatment modalities that I use here
Where possible owners are strongly encouraged to further your dogs rehab plan by participating in a home exercise program. Whilst what we do in session is of high value, it can be argued that what you do with your dog at home is of even higher importance.
Performing home exercises little and often will allow your dog to re-establish stronger muscles and better movement, meaning that they are in less pain and have a higher quality of life.

Towards the end of the session we will have a go at performing each exercise (usually up to 3) to ensure that you and your dog are comfortable doing them. By using targeted exercises specific to your dogs problem they will have a much better chance of improving quickly and getting back to their normal selves.
We now run three clinics a week at two different sites. Meet Coral at Medivet West Bridgford on a Tuesday, or meet Maxine at Chine House Veterinary Hospital in Silby on a Wednesday or Friday.
If you have any questions or if you are interested in booking a session for your pup, please do get in contact by dropping us an email at or visiting our social media sites on Facebook or Instagram @huntshillphysio.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
Maxine & Coral